Donor Advised Funds
Donors make grant recommendations to the Foundation from their Donor Advised Funds and may vary their recommendations or change their charitable priorities at any time. Donor Advised Funds under our management include:

Linda Nicolls Huber
Tye and Meghan Cressman Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2013. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Frampton Family Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2018. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Debbie and Pete Gifford Family Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2012. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Linda Nicolls Huber Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2006 in memory of Linda Nicolls Huber. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the family.
Hellbender Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2018. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Eve Joy Link Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2010. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Matthew and Sarah Sampson Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2013. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Tamarack Fund
A restricted endowment fund established in 2018. Charitable beneficiaries are selected annually by the donor.
Interested in Establishing a Fund?
Learn more about fund creation and read about the different types of funds we manage. Or, contact us to help you determine which would help you to best meet your charitable objectives.